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Mixing JOJO with other TV Shows...

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Jojo's Bizarre adventures is a weird and absurd kind of show that is impossible to describe to others. At it's core it is a regular battle shonen type kind of thing but, it takes the trope and turn it on its head.


Now try to infuse parts of JOJO into other shows and see what you get..... This is a fun thing to do and discuss with others. Taking the most absurd combination and it actually fits extremely well somehow beyond all leaps of logics.


The one of the first things friends and I tried to partner up with JOJO was of course YUGIOH


THINK ABOUT IT... YUGIOH SERIES with jojo elements... (May do a fan fic here based on this idea)


Discuss other shows that can be infused with the bizarreness of JOJO.






EXAMPLE: would be friends. joey and etc would have stands and try to live theirs lives making crazy poses and etc. while uncovering the sinister plot of some government official (or ceo of a big corporation)


Try your best to mix any show with jojo...

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Wasn't Yu-Gi-Oh inspired by Part 5?

How? with part 5?


Could but not "confirmed" also see Darby the gambler from part 3 may have inspired the part 0 (season 0 of yugioh that later become the yugioh we know today)


PS: please stick to the guidelines of this thread.

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