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[Serious] Striker's Quest For Longevity AMA

Nathanael D. Striker

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What Music do u like?


Your favorite Konami archetype?


Do u like to role play?


In what part of the world do u live?



I'm in the Rock camp, mostly. A bit of Alternative here, some Metal there, 80s here, 70s there, etc. Wide range of Rock tastes that depend on the song, mainly.


Favorite Archetype. We know my favorite card is BLS:EotB, but favorite archetype would probably go to Lightsworn due their contributions to Chaos. Heheheh.


I once RPed here on YCM, but I was a notorious God Modder. You don't want to know the details, but it was bad. So, I try to avoid it if I can, but I will go do some random RPing in appropriate threads when I feel like it.


[spoiler=Portland, Oregon All The Way!]





If you ever get into AGM, what would be the first thing you'd do?


Try to get a collab going on one of my old, failed projects probably. Gatekeeper Imps come to mind, really.


who do you think is cuter krow or dae serious question pls dont meme


Dae can dance in competition, so Dae wins.

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