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Must be nice when no one you wanted gets top 8


And the person you wanted most gets funked cause of tie


I'm curious, who did you want to have top?

As things were going, I personally thought Spinny would make it, looking at how favorable Spinny's rounds went.


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Oh my! After thirteen days, we have finally made it to the top cut! So, what were the results of swiss?


[spoiler=Top 20]unknown.png



Here's the top 20! But, of course, we're not cutting to the top 20... But to the top 8! That means that Hina, Yui, Parenthesis, Shradow, mido9, Nai, Rodrigo, and Sleepy... congratulations!


Sorry, Dova, but you were edged out just barely, due to the number of votes you received minus the votes against you being a lower amount than Sleepy's.




And these are the matchups for this Top 8! They will be up shortly, and the Top 8 + Top 4 rounds will last 2 days a piece, while the final round will last 3. Get to voting!

Welp, guess I'm going up against hina and losing again, then going to the losers' bracket. RIP.

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Stop pestering. Black doesn't want it to be done, and there is no need for an explanation. You already asked if it would be possible, and the answer was know. Accept it.

Could you not be so antagonistic and possibly mind your own business? I admit my question was in the heat of passives aggressiveness, but that doesn't justify your post.

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