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Since yesterday's evening, I got a sudden surge of curiosity and for god knows what reason I decided to spend all the possible time I spent awake (and some of the time I should have been asleep) looking up coding videos and trying to apply them to a guinea pig space.


Nothing really hardcore as I started from scratch, and my result so far is something that reminds me of the earliest days of MySpace xD



I don't know what I'm doing this for other than me suddenly getting really curious.
Nor do I particularly have any defined potential discussion this could generate (which is why it is Misc).

At the moment I started looking up the easiest-looking tutorials I could find for HTML, and on the second half of the day of CSS.
I want to look up Javascript at some point too, but I don't know if I even lack something to even run it, and CSS is giving me enough trouble at the moment.

Anyways, this is basically a big status update of my day, that doesn't fit at the status bar.

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I'm really curious on the steps you took, the tutorial you watched, etc. to reach this point. If you could share your path, I would be truly grateful.


[spoiler=This is my explanation and links but since it is kind of long it, I'll use spoilers]

Being at rock bottom when it comes to this subject as I was, I searched up for coding in general to see if I could go somewhere from there. I found this video (skip the first 28 seconds, because dammit video intros). After that I decided my next step would be HTML based on the introduction I had just watched. 


A little YouTube search later I found a video that promised learning the basic of HTML in 12 minutes. This video showed me I didn't need any fancy download program to get started, but I could use plain old Notepad. The video though has a second 12 minute part here. I'm pretty sure there's plenty more just from HTML, but it is at this stage that the term CSS had popped out enough times for me to have a clear next step. 


Said next step was not to jump into the new style of coding however. I wanted to see another HTML video from somebody else. More opinions are always important so I went to another tutorial to see if somebody did things differently or did something I hadn't seen from the previous person. This video is half an hour long and did go into new things: Making another file and linking to it for when you want your page to have a "click here to check this out" link for another place.


At this moment I thought to myself "hmm.. it'd be a bit more of a pain to use Notepad since it doesn't have tabs like what this guy is using" So I went for something called "Notepad++" which is free. For now I have had to re-open the file on regular notepad to save it in a way that lets me see the actual page I'm building. I'll take a little more experimentation and/or tutorials to fix this roundabout I've been taking every time I wanna preview what's being changed.


CSS time! I used this video.

I finally started having a reason to use <div> tags at HTML, and it complements things really well. I also am under the impression that some coding at CSS's side eliminates the need to use some of the stuff at the HTML coding that up to now seems to serve the same purpose but in a more limited way (like the size tags). If I ever do something complex enough I could probably see value in using both due to what is affected by what, but we'll see.




- - - - - -

Unlike with HTML, not everything I apply at CSS ends up having visible results, and I've been hearing there are multiple ways of doing the same thing. I have not gotten into other videos for this style so here's where I'm at.


My page is not meant to be anything, just using it to test the changes. If you watch the videos above you, you'll bump into this regardless, but still THIS is a page to copy-paste the color codes of your choice into your HTML/CSS soup.


These are at the moment the visuals of my work:

[spoiler=HTML Code]




[spoiler=CSS Code]




[spoiler=How It Looks]








Not sure if you'll be able to find a use for it, but I've been doing something similar but rather than from scratch, through modifying some template people already made. 




You can download some of the pages here and see how they do things, and see if you can do the same.


Thanks a ton for this. It is definitely good practice to be given the materials to replicate a project and do them. I'll be sure to try some of these out.

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With the web there are various things on which you can focus. W3schools has examples for most tags, and some tutorials and resources. They have some credibility issues, though I don't know why.


When it comes to styling webpages, CSS-tricks and Smashing magazine could be interesting websites. They tend to cover more advanced features however.


If you on the other hand are more interested in adding functionality to your website, you could take a look at MDN. Their JavaScript documentation is quite detailed.

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With the web there are various things on which you can focus. W3schools has examples for most tags, and some tutorials and resources. They have some credibility issues, though I don't know why.


When it comes to styling webpages, CSS-tricks and Smashing magazine could be interesting websites. They tend to cover more advanced features however.


If you on the other hand are more interested in adding functionality to your website, you could take a look at MDN. Their JavaScript documentation is quite detailed.


Thank you. This is a gold mine.

It's going to prove more effective than watching tutorials and hoping to stumble on things once I get the bases down a bit better =D

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