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Kyumi gives opinions.


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Becuz everyone else seems to be doing it.


Anyway, it's just as the title says. Post, and I'll tell u my opinion of u, or anything u want my opinion on.



Keep in mind, these are only opinions. They are in no way a fact. If u r offended in any way by these opinions, I can not accept responsibility. If u have any questions or concerns, please contact your local moderator.



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you probably dont know me fufufu

Honestly, only thing I know about u is that a lot of your status posts are in Japanese. Sooo.... Not much to go off of, but I love Japan, so, bonus points for u.



Great personality, unique taste, talented memer. And above all, a good friend.


hit me

I miss u being a mod..... ;_; But Anywho, very helpful and fun guy.


dunno if we've interacted enough for you to have an opinion on me, but lesgo

Barely know u, but from what I can tell, u r one of our more serious members on this site. Granted, I think I've only ever seen u in Super Showdown Society, but hey! Who's gonna tell me I can't base an opinion off of one thread? (Probs everyone)


(Don't actually hit him)

Don't worry, I didn't.


Now, as for u, I've seen u around here and there. U seem like a funny guy, so nothing to dislike so far.

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Barely know u, but from what I can tell, u r one of our more serious members on this site. Granted, I think I've only ever seen u in Super Showdown Society, but hey! Who's gonna tell me I can't base an opinion off of one thread? (Probs everyone)


surprised to see someone call me serious, although I guess if you're going off of Showdown Society then that makes sense; dont think I've dont anything silly there

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