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Saiku does opinions.

King K. Azo

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Man, I was just gonna do Chaos and Rep before sleeping, but now that there's more, I'll try to do them all. In short bursts. 



Goku Rating: 5/10
Dunkablity: 6/10, would dunk in a friendly manner.
Opinion: I am thou, thou art I, now hurry up and do Grimm Nights, do it, do it, do it!! On another note, you're a great friend, a great person to bounce ideas off of, and fun to troll. In my top 5 of favorite people to RP with.

I'm curious to see what my dunkablity is.

Goku Rating: 1/10
Dunkablity: 0/10. Must protect like the birds.
Opinion: You're a cool person that comes up with cool characters. However, we don't interact too much. Which is fair, and I'm not around so much any more. 


Goku Rating: ?/10
Dunkablity: ?/10
Opinion: I should know you. I know I should know you. It's nagging me, and it's on the tip of my tongue but... ARGH!!! I don't think I know that much about you, other than you read Hyde's My Hero Academia RP.

And you are?

Goku Rating: ?/10
Dunkablity: ?/10
Opinion: The question is not who am I, but who are you?

Goku Rating: 7/10
Dunkablity: 10/10, not only would I dunk, but I'd Three Wulf Moonsault you into a chair. 
Opinion: You are one of my best friends on this forum, but you sometimes make me wanna kill you. However, you make it up with great characters, which quickly gets worse because you have the motivation of a goldfish. Granted, you knew all of this already. You'd be one of the best people I'd cohost for... if you didn't ignore the floating head of Samuel L. Jackson.


Goku Rating: 4/10
Dunkablity: 7/10, would dunk in a friendly manner, most of the time.
Opinion: You are one of the best hosts around here, rivaled only by Dad. You have great ideas, and you're a kind person. In my experience, anyways. I know we had times we argued, but honestly I can't even remember why the things went down the way they did, so... oh well.


I require knowledge on all these factors so that I may eliminate my weaknesses and become the perfect organism just cause.

Goku Rating: 3/10
Dunkablity: 4/10, would dunk in a friendly manner.
Opinion: You're also in my top 5 favorite people to RP with. You got great ideas and characters, you just need to build your confidence back up. You're just a great guy to talk to in general. I think the biggest flaw you have is getting really passionate, to an almost unhealthy degree, in an argument... but the one situation I was thinking of, I totally understand why it went down the way it did.


Oh I actually care about these.  Okay, gimme everything you got.

Goku Rating: 3/10
Dunkablity: 2/10, would dunk all your enemies into oblivion.


Opinion: You are one of the best hosts around here, rivaled only by Cowcow. You're a cool guy to talk to, fun to collaborate with, and honestly the best person I have cohosted for so far. I'd totally get a drink with you, and I don't even drink.

Woo, a lot more of you wanted my opinion than I thought. I'll do more in a bit.

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Goku Rating: 5/10


Dunkablity: 6/10, would dunk in a friendly manner.


Opinion: I am thou, thou art I, now hurry up and do Grimm Nights, do it, do it, do it!! On another note, you're a great friend, a great person to bounce ideas off of, and fun to troll. In my top 5 of favorite people to RP with.


....I want that beginning to be a thing now. But you better say it like that damn comic!! XD

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I always deliver. After 116 hours of Monster Hunter World.



Do the thing, Pepsi and chips!

Goku Rating: 1/10
Dunkablity: 2/10, you need things dunked for you. 
Opinion: It kinda funny. I used to like, strongly dislike you because of the TCG section. But now, I'm glad we're friends. You give pretty good insight and get me interested into new series I'd never get into myself. Also, you steam a good ham.


Dunk me

Goku Rating: ?/10
Dunkablity: 10/10, you asked for it.
Opinion: I... don't know you very well either. I'm sorry.



Goku Rating: 6/10
Dunkablity: 6/10, would dunk into a Hell's Flash. 
Opinion: As a fellow memer, I appreciate that you meme where I do not.



Goku Rating: 5/10
Dunkablity: 8/10, your last minutes posts, man. They get me every time.
Opinion: You're a cool guy and a good memer. That's always good in my books.
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