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Spoiler Tags



I've tried creating spoiler tags to no success. every attempt has failed so far. even with the following code
[spoiler="title"]content[/spoiler] [spoiler=tormeytest]


Attempt to create spoiler


entering that just turns up as that, not as a spoiler, and I do not know what im supposed to put for the code type and starting line number. Does anyone know what you are supposed to do for this? it doesn't say in the BBCode 101 for New Members guide

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7 answers to this question

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By the looks of it, your sheet is funked homes'.


The only option I can think of is to enter the bbcode mode by clicking the 1F3ANtT.jpg icon in the top left of the editor and manually removing the



Never heard of it automatically enabling itself mind you, could also attempt to highlight the text and use the 83PbmnW.jpg icon to remove any format

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By the looks of it, your s*** is f***ed homes'.


The only option I can think of is to enter the bbcode mode by clicking the 1F3ANtT.jpg icon in the top left of the editor and manually removing the



Never heard of it automatically enabling itself mind you, could also attempt to highlight the text and use the 83PbmnW.jpg icon to remove any format




that was the problem all along! It finally works!


Thanks so much dude!

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Strangely enough, spoilers here are working. spoiler=title, spoiler='title', and spoiler="title" are working. But the text I C&P'd from Ultimagamer's posts in the other thread weren't.


Are you trying to post spoilers inside of the [ code ] tags or are you posting them in there after testing to show what you did? I can't think of anything else that could be the issue.


I never knew about the quotation marks working in spoilers. Thought it was just empty and apostrophes.



Edit: Ninja'd.

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It seems whenever you put in the spoiler itself, it surrounds itself in the

 unless you are doing that intentionally?


code=auto:0? im definitely not trying to do that if that's what's going wrong


is there a way to circumvent it?


( if it just showed up with like 5 or more of the previous statement, it wasn't intentional ) 

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