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about yugioh gx


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is anyone know what is the episode in yugioh gx Where the voice of the Elemental HERO Bubbleman and the Elemental HERO Clayman appeared?

If you mean them actually saying lines, then I don't think that ever happens. Episode 20 (I might be a different number. I think the english title was "A duel in love"?) I can't check it now because I'm using a lot of bandwidth as I type.) Has Avain, Sparkman, and Burstinatrix saying lines and flame wingman gets a voice when Jaden Duels possessed Jessie at the end of season 3. Neos speaks in a few episodes, such as when Jaden duels Bron in the dark world and when Jaden duels Sartorius at both the beginning and end of the duel. The ones in the later seasons may have only happened in the Japanese verison.

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