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Spiral Mech

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So Spiral Mech is a theme that focus's on two Monsters which can form either a Fusion or Synchro version of its combined form which each form holds a different Special effect.


The Tuner Lagann can hold its own in a fight as when it fights a Monster with DEF bigger than its ATK, it becomes a 2400 Monster and can inflict piercing damage.


Gurren on the other hand acts similar to a Cyber Dragon but can also summon itself if you control Lagann and can tribute Lagann in order to destroy cards in one of your opponents columns.


Next its Fusion and Synchro Forms can attack while preventing your opponent from doing anything until after damage calculation and inflict double piercing damage where the Fusion can double its ATK and DEF by discarding a card when it battles a Monster and the Synchro can attack directly.


The Spells can support the theme while Mech Reborn and Rush Recklessly can be used as generic Machine Support help deck deck constantly with its combat mechanic while Duo's Combination helps you search Gurren and Lagann and Spirit Formation enable you to resummons Gurren Lagann from the grave and take it appart so you can switch between its Fusion and Synchro Form.


In Machine and Synchro Decks these can be very nice cards as you can use Lagann as a general level 3 Tuner and Gurren as a Level 5 Cydra but put together they can act as a powerful offensive engine for the deck.


[spoiler=Spiral Mech - Lagann]rmqn42.jpg

[spoiler=Spiral Mech - Gurren]2nr1nro.png

[spoiler=Spiral Mech - Gurren Lagann Drill Break]20p8twl.png

[spoiler=Spiral Mech - Gurren Lagann Sky Drive]xfwqd.png

[spoiler=Mech Reborn]2exu2o8.png

[spoiler=Mech Rush Recklessly]nyxrb8.png

[spoiler=Mech Duo's Combination]rmp4sg.png

[spoiler=Spiral Mech Spirit Formation]2wcppbs.jpg


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  • 2 weeks later...
A Gurren Lagann based archetype, if you could call it that anyways. Nice effects all around, pretty thematic, and work well enough as a engine. I do have a few questions/concerns about some of them.

I'm not postive on Spiral Mech - Gurren needing the "Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to this effect's activation. " part, it feels like it pushes it a bit far, but given this is meant to be a engine the removal it gives you is welcomed.

Why does Spiral Mech - Gurren Lagann Drill Break  only do regular piercing battle damage while Spiral Mech - Gurren Lagann Sky Drive does double piercing? is there a reason for it?


Overall i really enjoy the design of the archetype if you could call it that, wish it had more then 8 cards though. wish it had a little more support, like giving it another Spiral Mech - Gurren Lagann monster (possibly a Link monster, or a Xyz) and maybe a support piece to make it more playable as its own thing without having to use it only as a engine.

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