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Yu-Gi-Oh! Skies [OOC/Started/Not Accepting/R-16]

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We have a much higher turnout than I expected, so in order to keep the rp from getting overcrowded, I’m going to start vetting apps. Haven’t decided on a number yet, but its very likely that not every character will get in at this rate.

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OP has been updated with 2 more accepted characters. Total number I’m looking for at the beginning will be around 14, so depending on my hosting team’s opinions there will likely be 6 or 7 more accepted characters.


I’m planning on having the IC up this weekend, assuming we remain on schedule. Try and finish your apps asap if you haven’t!

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Accepted Apps have been posted! with big fancy links included.


It was actually really hard to choose between characters, I even caved and gave myself an extra slot because I couldn't quite choose between a few. If you didn't make it in, fear not! Apps will open again in the future, and anyone who's app was not accepted is welcome to remain in the discord server if they feel so inclined.


Now, on to the next thing! Expect the IC some time in the next day or so, depending on my free time.

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Just putting this here for personal reference, and so others can see it.


[spoiler=The cast's Arcana as told by Alison]

Yushiro - The Fool
Akira - Strength
Sai - (Reversed) Wheel of Fortune
Souji - The Moon
Alison - [REDACTED]
Kyouko - Reversed Temperance
Yusuji - The Star
Elizabeth - The Hermit
Hiraku - Reversed The Hanged Man
Katsu - Strength
Hoshiko - Reversed Judgment
Jun - Reversed The Empress
Melissa - The Hierophant
Hitomu - The Emperor
Akari - The Sun

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