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Des Gardius (Don't Mind that Lake, It's just Evilswarm's Drooling)

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[spoiler=le conference meeting with Lumis and Umbra after making this card]

"roll this tape back for you? but why tho?"


"we...we're just trying to get what you're doing here is all"


"okay then, Lumis, Umbra. You have a card named the Masked Beast..." 






"Don't mind that, its just Lumis's tic. Continue"


"Thanks Umbra. And your...MBDG has 3300 ATK. Then there's your Ritual, called simply THE Masked Beast."






"...oh, that Masked Beast."


"Yes, The Masked Beast. Level 8, same Stats and Attributes, but 3200 ATK. So as a person who runs the naming scheme would be curious as to why there's a Masked Beast, and ...MBDG....and no Des Gardius."


"So...you made this." 


"Correct Lumis. with an incremental 100 less ATK than the Ritual, which has 100 less than MBDG." 




"BECAUSE THERE NOT BEING A CARD LIKE THIS MADE NO SENSE WITH HOW MUCH YOUR OTHER TWO CARD'S NAMES OVERLAP- (pinches nose) "Right, get out your Decks, I'm gonna walk you through how good this card is. Let me know where I missed you."






[spoiler=Des Gardius: Info]

DARK/Fiend-Type Fusion Effect Monster/Level 8/3100 ATK/1100 DEF


Lore: 2 Level 4 or higher Fiend monsters, including a non-Effect Monster

Must be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by Tributing the above cards you control (you do not use "Polymerization".) Cannot attack directly. Once per turn, if a card or effect that targets a card(s) on the field is activated (Quick Effect): You can choose a different appropriate target(s) for that card, also banish that new target when it leaves the field. If this card leaves the field by a card effect; Its owner can Special Summon 1 Level 8 Fiend monster from their Deck or Extra Deck, except "Des Guardius", ignoring its Summoning conditions.




So yeah, see that Mask of Dispel in your pocket, collecting lint (and the hands of your friends the second you pull it out like it means something?) Point that thing a Spell's way, maybe your opponent sacks the spell for something else-True Dracos are annoying like that, yes. Use Des Gardius, redirect the target to a lingering Spell like, say, their Dragonic Diagram, and watch the fireworks when they try to smoke Dispel. 


Or say, when your opponent, after setting up the SPYRAL monster combo which shall not be named, wants to cut you high, wide and repeatedly with that double pop? Oh look, the effect now targets two of THEIR CARDS instead, and the sleeping beauty (lol) of the SPYRALS will get banished when it leaves the field!


And if they try to get medieval with the removal of this card, well....memory's spotty but there's apparently another Des Gardius around that they're gonna be...less willing to put off the field conventionally that this can bring out. 


Happy hunting with the final card of Lumis/Umbra's Legendary Duelist support, courtesy of the Blades of Change Workshop!


Until next time, reviews and revelry are like pink in steak; always welcome. 


BD'S, signing off.

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This sure has a lot of ATK for a monster that can be Summoned with Rescue Rabbit. That or tech IF -> Barox in Level 4+ deck Fiends. Infernoids come to mind xD At least it can't attack directly.

Anyway, looks quite good. I can sum it up as a less generic Cairngorgorn, but a more potent effect and higher ATK, the latter which IMO is deceptively important since it helps the card to stay a bit longer on the board.  And of course, the float effect is sweet as well.


You may need to re-word the redirecting effect, since as it stands now to me it isn't clear if the targeted card is the one being banished, or if the card with the targeting effect is banished.

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You may need to re-word the redirecting effect, since as it stands now to me it isn't clear if the targeted card is the one being banished, or if the card with the targeting effect is banished.


This. Also, pretty much just agree with Darj in general, with the card effect removal complementing the fact that it's really hard to beat over this card. Really like the theming, as I've always had a fondness for the Des cards and Masked selection.


In terms of targets, save for a few memey Fusions, Pendulum Monsters from various Deck if you actually get them face-up in the ED, and Blood Mefist (the most meta of Synchros) I'm seeing some potential for this card in D/D/D. It doesn't need a Poly, and as Darj says, just a Rescue Rabbit tech or even just one or two copies of the Normal Monster; not like D/D/D struggle with their SSing. Really useful part of the board if they get it out, and good targets on its removal like Sigfried and Beowulf. Even that Fabled guy for draw power. This is only the casual player in me talking, as it might do more harm for the Deck than good if you're replacing Knightmare helmet, but it was fun thinking about the combos.

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