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Chikorita Line and Solarbeam (PAC)[WRITTEN]


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Hello, fine peoples!


Just a few more additions to the Pokémon Archetype Club. I wanted to do a three stage line and continue the trend of making Johto 'mon, so... yeah.


Thing is, Chiky-poo and its evos aren't really known for much and the best thing I could really find for 'em was their ability to wall. So... yeah, kinda ran with that, and for Chiky in particular I tried to connect it with its type to have a bit of usage outside the overall "Poké" archetype (Sylvans anyone?).


Solarbeam is a simple +1 delayed destruction. Not sure if I should let it target though...



PokéGrass Chikorita



When this card is Normal Summoned: you can excavate the top 3 cards from your Deck; add 1 "Poké" monster from among those cards to your hand, also send the remaining cards to the GY. If this card is Special Summoned: you can target 1 monster your opponent controls; decrease that monster's ATK/DEF by 300, and if you do, increase this card's ATK/DEF by 300.



PokéGrass Bayleef

EARTH *****


You can Special Summon this card from your hand by tributing 1 level 4 or lower "PokéGrass" monster. Once per turn: you can target 1 monster your opponent controls; decrease that monster's ATK/DEF by 400, and if you do, increase this card's ATK/DEF by 400. If this card is Special Summoned using "PokéGrass Chikorita" as tribute, it gains the following effect:

- This card can attack while in face-up Defense Position. If it does, apply its DEF for damage calculation.



PokéGrass Meganium



You can Special Summon this card from your hand by tributing 1 level 5 or 6 "PokéGrass" monster. When this card is Special Summoned: halve the ATK/DEF of all monsters your opponent controls. (You can only gain this effect once per turn.) Once per turn (Quick Effect): you can decrease the ATK/DEF of 1 monster by 500, and if you do, gain 500 LP. If this card is Special Summoned using "PokéGrass Bayleef" as tribute, it gains the following effects:

- When you gain LP: increase this card's DEF by the amount of LP you gained. This card can attack while in face-up Defense Position. If it does, apply its DEF for damage calculation.




PokéMove Solarbeam


Target 1 "PokéGrass" monster you control to activate this card. Target up to 2 cards your opponent controls. During the End Phase: destroy those 2 targets your opponent controls.



Simple stuff, but it actually took a bit trying to figure out what I wanted their gimmick to be. Anyways, CnC would be much appreciated.



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As far as the club's stuff goes right now, yeah, no Grass yet, so you can consider this as a sort of baseline.


Chikorita is fine for getting a certain 'mon you need (including the evolutions), but yeah, you don't discard cards that are excavated; sending is usually what gets done. If stuff is already in hand, then you can discard them. Stat changing isn't too much, but at this stage, Chikorita shouldn't be sapping out massive amounts. But then again, we don't have anything that Special Summons Pokemon in club at the moment (or if we do, probably limited to the other types)


Bayleef having the Superheavy Samurai clause of DEF attacking helps a bit with it finding a niche somewhere. Stat dropping is fine and suppose it ties into Leech Seed somewhat as far as flavor goes.


In the short run, Meganium technically has better stats to deal damage with, but since it doesn't actually gain stats from monsters it saps, yeah, it's usually stuck at 2700 DEF (which is still fine for a Level 7). Everything else is generally fine; a little iffy about the Quick Effect on the stat dropping thing, considering it's roughly 1200 ATK/DEF lost unless you either get rid of it on their turn or negate it somehow. I want to say remove the Quick Effect thing, but then it becomes less impressive. I suppose you could make the Quick Effect thing an added bonus for going through the evolution process, but up to you.


Solar Beam is technically fine for the most part. Delayed removal does have the risk of the opponent either triggering stuff to remove the targets you would've gotten rid of for other things, but least you can remove monsters that can't be killed in battle, so that's nice. But even then, you do have monsters with targeting/destruction immunity nowadays, so...may want to address that somewhat. I guess don't have this target what you want to get rid of. 



Short form of this post; cards should be okay for now. 

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Once we have enough "Poké" cards with GY effects this might be a pretty good and fun card in those decks. I assume that was intended? For now, just fine (though there is no real way to special summon it).



Fine, I guess. Just a super heavy sam for "Poké"



Was the special summoning condition intended? Right now, if this is the special summoning condition, it literally CANNOT tribute Bayleef, it also is just objectively better than Bayleef if you can tribute level 3 or lowers. I'd say make the summoning condition "1 level 4/5 or higher "PokéGrass" monster" because otherwise it makes no sense at alll. Other than that, like Sakura I'm a little iffy on the Quick Effect, maybe make it only during your opponent's turn or until the End Phase?


Solar Beam

Pretty good. +1 during End-Phace is not that great nowadays. But its kinda free, so if you run a deck with not a lot of popping, its a fine 1 off. Also good as a 1 off in an Octillary turbo deck haha.

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