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Image rules

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What do you mean by "if the image is serious"?


Don't allow people to post .jpegs if the image is serious. Memes are exceptions.



I think that's what he means.


But, for Dae, do you mean in posting images anywhere on the site, or just Showcase?

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I'm inclined to agree that it would look a lot better but unsure if this is a thing that I can actually enforce.


It technically isn't, given any images from the internal cardmaker render as .jpg files (ha, like most people still use the old cardmaker nowadays). The Neo New one does render as .png, but you don't have a choice with it and has its own quality issues.


That being said, I really cannot tell if this is a serious suggestion or not.


As far as Custom Cards go, it's almost ridiculous to require that members not use .jpg images. Yes, the ones from our cardmaker have sheet missing because of the bugs, but the .jpg quality isn't that terrible. Then again, even for those who use TCGEditor and whatnot (i.e. own templates), a few of them do use .jpg for cards and the quality is fine. 




If you mean the pics that actually get used in card images, it's literally impossible to check if a pic used was a .jpg or .png file (because I have seen shitty quality .png files that were probably converted from .jpg or however else). Doing this would require asking the members for the images they have used, and that is more work than necessary; both for me as a moderator and for the user having to provide documentation for images.


(While we're on the subject for images, I really don't get on users about the images members use, except for the following reasons:

  • I want to make card(s) using the same ones in question.
  • Issues of copyright infringement comes up (i.e. some member from DeviantArt claims that member stole art from their page without asking)
  • Member's artwork is pushing the boundaries for permissible content (or broken it thereof).

The latter two have not come up for the past couple years, and during my entire modship, only 1 case of copyright thing came up and that was due to the creator necrobumping said thread a few years ago (well, 2015/2016-ish) to call the TC [who had long been gone] out about it. 



tl;dr, if this is a suggestion barring .jp(e)g images in Custom Cards, then it won't be implemented because of impracticality and that it's ridiculous penalizing members for posting cards / images as .jpg 

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