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YCM RP Awards 2018 Results

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After a long and exciting time we have finally reached the end. Where I shall announce the winners of the RP Awards! Many of you are talented in your own way but unfortunately there can only be one winner for these categories. And the results are as follows!

Best RPer: CowCow (Via Tiebreaker, 5 votes)
parenthesis, 2
Sethera, 2
CowCow, 2
Reptilious, 1
Andx, 2
Skaia, 1
Broken, 1
Best Host: CowCow, 10
CowCow, 10
Sethera, 2
Saiku, 1
Best Character Design: (parenthesis), 7
parenthesis, 7
Faytl, 1
Reptilious, 1
VCR Cat, 1
Mr Hyde, 1
Hakima, 1
Best World Design: Yui, 3
Yui, 3
Aix, 2
Zai, 2
Sethera, 1
Mr Hyde, 2
Best Writer: Sethera, 7
Sethera, 7
Keto, 2
parenthesis, 1
CowCow, 1
Best Under 2000: Skaia, 5
Skaia, 5
Hollow, 2
Saiku, 1
Hakima, 2
Best Over 5000: Nai (Via Tiebreaker, 6 votes)
Black, 2
CowCow, 2
Andx, 2
Nai, 2
Broken, 1
parenthesis, 1
Hyde, 1
Most Reliable: Chaos Sonic, 6
Chaos Sonic, 6
CowCow, 5
Sethera, 1
Skaia, 1
Reptilious, 1
Andx, 1
Most Cooperative: Reptilious, 5
Skaia, 4
VCR Cat, 1
Reptilious, 5
Hollow, 1
Andx, 1
Sethera, 1
Most Helpful: Skaia, 9
Skaia, 9
Yui, 2
CowCow, 1
Keto, 1
Saiku, 1
Best In Chat: Reptilious, 6
Skaia, 2
Reptilious, 6
Yui, 1
Hakima, 4
CowCow, 1
Best RP: Hero Academia: Rise Above Max Omega, 6
Hero Academia: Rise Above Max Omega, 6
Fire Emblem: Curse of the Goddess, 2
RP Smash, 1
Pokemon Gijinka: The Fallen God, 3
The Grand Crossover RP - Pathway to Origin, 1
The Chosen, 1

As you can see there were some blowouts but also quite a few close matches! Tomorrow the moderator, CowCow, will be sending a PM to the winners to determine what the Awards will be. As for me...I have an Arena to return to...
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To be completely honest: me winning Most Reliable was shocking to me. You can ask Sai and Yui, I was counting all the votes THOROUGHLY just to find out who won even before the results. I originally thought Cow was gonna win just cause of how many votes was given to him previous before the last minute entry votes.


I'm surprised...and thankful nonetheless.

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>Yui didn't win most reliable? 





That being said, there are worse picks than Yui, but still, this is such a comically ignorant response.



As for the awards themselves:


The award I won was arguably made for me, the description of it was by all means tailored toward me (though almost certainly by accident). Still neat to win, glad y'all like my work.

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>Yui didn't win most reliable? 




You've clearly never been here before. I'm getting better about it recently, but even now I'm not all that reliable, especially compared to a number of other RPers, like Mr. Clockwork Cow himself.


Sorry for what I'm about to say Yui

He is likely not even top 10 most reliable in RP honestly.

Don't be sorry for the truth my dude. At least I'm not me from a couple years back. Least reliable RPer at the time.


As for winning stuff, ayyy thanks for voting for me. Even if there weren't many votes for world builder, I'm glad to see y'all think I deserved to come out on top for it <3

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I'm not exactly sure that any of the awards are really tailor-made for any of us, but congrats on winning it.

And maybe we're remembering two different people, Yui, because I thought you were decently reliable a few years back, at least more so than the present you.


Honestly, I was surprised to get as many votes as I did for...anything. lol Warms my heart to see people think this well of me, though. So thanks for that, everyone, you all rock.

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