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World Legacy Machines (A Momentary Reappraisal)

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world_chalice_by_bdsceptyr-dch5u9g.jpg world_armor_by_bdsceptyr-dch5u8b.jpg world_shield_by_bdsceptyr-dch5u9a.jpg

world_legacy___world_crown_by_alanmac95_ worldlegacyworldlance_flod_en_r_1e_by_bd world_legacy___world_scepter_by_alanmac9


So yeah, we're one Archetype away from the biggest Voltron/Horizon Zero reference crossover ever made the World Legacy World Maker. Only one Legacy remains, and it'll likely be a longsword. 


[spoiler=I have my guesswork about the Last Legacy stats and looks, based on these cards previous...]


Fun fact the Theories page on this site may have touched on: these card's Levels and colors directly correspond with the Level and color of a Mekk Knight. To date...

World Chalice = Blue Sky/World Armor = Red Moon/World Shield = Orange Sunset/World Lance = Indigo Eclipse/ World Crown = (kinda) Green Horizon/World Scepter = Purple Nightfall.

Now, Chalice, Armor and Crown are the main pieces of the World Legacy Borg's body, apparently, and their ATK stats mirror their DEF stat. Then we have the 'weapons' - Lance, Shield, Scepter, and potentially our last Legacy. Now, the ATK/DEF stats of  World Lance are a mirror of World Shield, but Scepter is 500/2500.


So, if the stats and colors hold, the last World Legacy may be called Longsword, have a Level of 7 - to match the last remaining Legacy/Knight comparison in the unaffiliated Mekk-Knight Yellow Star-and be 2500 ATK and 500 DEF-the mirror of World Scepter's stats. Mark it, there's a good chance I could be in the money here.


Back to the scheduled commentary on the Legacy set then!




....but this post is not about that.


This post is about how these fare as their own stand-alone Deck, RIGHT NOW. We've got Orphegel Prime to fix the hand, Scepter to get out any tricky Legacies from the hand (the ideal one in a bulid like this seems to be Armor to get more stuff and continue the cycle apace) Crown is kinda a Link's best friend and Lance can cheaply put out a Token to go into Linkuriboh with and enable Crown-or maybe a Link 2 if used in conjunction-junction (what's your function) with Instant Fusion. 


'Member, Armor only cares THAT a monster comes out from the Extra Deck, not how. And Lance and Scepter are Trade-In targets. And Scepter especially loves being that.


Also, Chalice looks the Turn 1 defensive play/Turn 3 extra searcher, and Shield can start plays early, if you're up for handling what your opponent decided to feed to Abyssal Adjudicator TO-NITE Summons in response.


Not to mention Chalice, Shield and Scepter are Machine Dupe targets. 


Whaddya say folks, do the World Legacy Machines look clutch now, or do we need the Megazord to push it there?

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They are also good pitches for the good ol' Machina Fortress (who is seachable by Machina Gearframe for those who don't remember), and don't they have that one Call of the Haunted card they can search for... The one they share with Mekk-Knights... Forgot what it is called.


Edit: World Legacy's Secret... That is it.

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They are also good pitches for the good ol' Machina Fortress (who is seachable by Machina Gearframe for those who don't remember), and don't they have that one Call of the Haunted card they can search for... The one they share with Mekk-Knights... Forgot what it is called.


Edit: World Legacy's Secret... That is it.


Inheritance too.

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I built a World Legacy deck a few months ago because I wanted some DARK Machines to use with Desperado Barrel Dragon, BM-4 Blast Spider and Heavy Metal Raiders. There are surprisingly few good options and the World Legacies were one of them, plus they were getting continuous support.


I'm not sure whether that was a good idea, as it was very inconsistent.


A "pure" deck could work really well now though.

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