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Food Combinations

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What kind of combinations of food do you like? Dislike? Are there combinations that are common where you live but not elsewhere?

Basically this is just to talk about various food combinations and how you feel about them.

Also post odd combinations you've had before.

Try and give opinions on them so we're not just posting a bunch of random combinations of food and please try not to just post something without having tried it.

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any non-seafood Meat and peanut sauce/gravy is good. trust me, we indonesian is crazy enough to try wide range of nuts to achieved it. we even have this peculiar yet delicious Black Beef Stew that get its color and flavor using Poisonous Nuts (Poison removed of course)

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Where I'm from we smash cookie crums and failed cookies together and slam some syrup inbetween.


Des gut sheet.


We call it Syrup Waffles. But they're not really waffles.


Also chips/fries are thickbois where I'm from, and we eat it with mayonaise (LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO). No kidding, no-one in France will ever eat what you Yankos call "French" Fries.


Edit: Also Indonesian peanut sauce with chips/fries is the best. Try it. Just smack some onions, Indonesian peanut sauce and mayonaise on your chips. We call it "war", because it makes a mess.


Edit Edit: Excuse me Dr. Jolly while I steal your culture through the power of colonialism.

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Also chips/fries are thickbois where I'm from, and we eat it with mayonaise (LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO). No kidding, no-one in France will ever eat what you Yankos call "French" Fries.



I visited Amsterdam recently and they're the same there, thick chips with all kinds of delicious mayos you can have them with. Our chips over here aren't bad either but we generally only put salt and vinegar on them which, while nice, isn't as good as mayo.


I myself like ketchup with pasta and I won't let anyone shame me out of it.

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Now THIS is a thread I can get behind. I usually prefer these quirkier ones over the more serious ones. Anywho:

For me it's ice cream instead with french fries. For some reason no one I know irl has ever heard of this aside from my mom who taught it to me, but it's super good.

Make that a third person who likes fries in sweet stuff. Haven't ttied them in ice cream, but I can imagine how it'd taste. For me, it's pancakes and fries. Sweet, crunchy, and salty.


Also popcorn and Doritos.


But I think my favorite combinations are sweet and salty foods. I like drinking a chocolate chip frappe while eating McDonald's chicken nuggets.

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