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[TCG] 2018 Mega Pack contents

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Here we are, the complete set list for the 2018 mega tins, and the ratios are up from last year in terms of holos, which isn't bad.


Looking at the list though, I feel that the holo ratios could've been 20/20/20 rather than there being 24 secrets, and there are some trash secrets in here; like Z-Arc, Ultra Poly and Fuse Line for instance.


Isolde not being here though is interesting and I've already seen its price go up as a result ($20+/£20).

Also, I'm not surprised that Ash Blossom is not here and I know it went up in price after the release of SHVA (lowest is also like $20/£20)


Thoughts on the set?

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so long as they shortprint the actually wasteful secret cards (like zarc, trunade, and fuse line) this set will be pretty good. that said, it feels like they should really up the amount of packs in the set if they're gonna add more cards to it (adding more pretty much means diluting the odds of getting any actually good ones) at least they didn't put in buddy force though, that would have been a serious nail in the coffin.

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