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Salamangreats ( Looking for advice )

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This is the decklist I'm thinking on using for my first regional in May. I'm looking for any kind of advice, both on building the deck and for good ways to try playing the deck. I've been playing for a while now, and I'm pretty confident on the combos. 


This list is a bit more on the budget side ( no Thanos Dragon or Impermanence ). 



[spoiler=Duelingbook Profile]



It's the same as the one below, but it includes pictures 




Main Deck ( 40 ) 


3x Salamangreat Gazelle 

3x Salamangreat Spinny 

3x Salamangreat Foxy 

1x Salamangreat Jack Jaguar 

1x Salamangreat Falco 

1x Salamangreat Fowl 

1x Lady Debug 

3x Flame Bufferlo 

2x Backup Secretary 

3x Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring 

3x Effect Veiler 


3x Salamangreat Circle 

1x Salamangreat Sanctuary 

1x Will of the Salamangreat 

1 Salamangreat Recurrence 

1x Fusion of Fire 

3x Called by the Grave


1x Salamangreat Rage 

2x Salamangreat Roar 

2x Solemn Strike 

1x Solemn Judgement 


Extra Deck 


3x Salamangreat Balelynx 

3x Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf 

2x Salamangreat Heatleo 

1x Salamangreat Miragestallio 

1x Salamangreat Violet Chimera 

1x Hitia the Fire Charmer, Ablaze 

1x Knightmare Phoenix 

1x Knightmare Unicorn 

1x Saryuja Skull Dread 

1x Borreload Dragon 


Side Deck 


3x Dinowrestler Pankratops 

3x Droll and Lock Bird 

2x Super Polymerization 

1x Starving Venom Fusion Dragon

3x Twin Twisters 

3x Evenly Matched 



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Would you like a list of topping meta decklists so you an plan accordingly? Main 2x Super Poly IMO Kills Thunders, Orcust, and Salaman in mirror


Sure! I'm not too sure about maining super polys though, given that sky strikers will probably still be a good deck. That and what I'd have to take out of my current extra deck to make room for the super poly target. 


I also have a feeling I should invest in at least 1 copy of Starving Venom Fusion Dragon. I wasn't sure about the orcust matchup, then I remembered that Starving Venom is just 2 dark monsters on the field. He probably isn't too expensive either ( nice ). 


I'm also a little conflicted about the number of Violet Chimeras I want to play, given that going second, I feel like I want 2, so that after that first super poly goes through, you still have a second to fusion of fire into to go for game, since I usually link away the first one for a Hitia or Sunlight Wolf when breaking through boards. 1 is probably still the right number though, since you can recycle it. 

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The list looks super standard. It'll probably work pretty well. Depending on how these next couple weeks go (if Spell-Mining Cave and Orcust make a splash), it might be important to actually main TwiTwi before you go.


Which regional is it? Let us know how it goes!

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The list looks super standard. It'll probably work pretty well. Depending on how these next couple weeks go (if Spell-Mining Cave and Orcust make a splash), it might be important to actually main TwiTwi before you go.


Which regional is it? Let us know how it goes!


I'm gonna be going to the may 19th one, since it's in Wisconsin :D 


HOPEFULLY Spell-Mining Cave is just a gimmick deck like Cyber Stein FTK and it doesn't take off. That deck feels like the kind of thing that would be incredibly un-fun to play against. 

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List updated with the following changes 


- Now only 2 solemn strikes ( 2 down from 3 )

- Now only 2 backup secretary ( 2 down from 3 )

- Added 1 salamangreat recurrence 

- Added 1 saryuja skull dread 

- Added 1 salamangreat fowl 


Also, I now have the 2nd super poly and starving venom IRL. 

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