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A Local Moderator for Other TCG and Other TCG decks?

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I do think those sections deserved a local moderator, as eventhough those sections are not that active, a dedicated mod would make it possible to adress problems like this:




and unsticky outdated threads like this:




faster. The report button or PMing a mod can take care of those, yeah. But still, I guess it won't hurt to have a local mod for those sections.


Also Literature, a section that I think was far less active compared to those two sections, had two moderators.


If those sections are still in evilfusion's area, then I guess this might be unneeded.


I don't mean we need new mods (though that might be good, but idk). An existing mod might be able to be reassigned to fill the position in addition to his/her old one.


So, what do you all think about this?

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There's a couple sections that could use another mod or two to handle them.


Though as you already noted, it probably falls under evilfusion's area (in theory, he deals with the entire forum due to being a Super), but it would help deal with reports in that section quicker if there were a mod to handle that section in particular. Only thing is that there needs to be a member who is familiar with those areas and can be trusted to keep things in order. 


In other words, I support this.


EDIT: Just have one of the existing mods take over those two if it's not added weight as to what they're already responsible for.

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Literature has Rinne and Aix, who are the CW and RP moderators, so I guess that's just been linked into that as a 'by the way, could you just stick your head in there every so often as it's kinda related to you' thing.


Surprised that Zex is handling RC on his own, and indeed Fusion has the whole TCG section to look after. Though I gues the other supers Zero and Mugen have a broad scope of sections they look after.


Additional help and support to the team is probably always appreciated by them and us mere mortals, but I wouldn't promote people for the sake of it/Numbers.

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*cough* Well I'm always available *cough*


Real talk I don't think we need any more mods. Just rearranging current modship positions should be more than enough.


BUT in the event of YCM gaining another mod, I fully support Blood Blood for the jo-*shot*


Blood begits blood.


Just find someone who can do the job well.

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This isn't the first time I've seen something like this, so might as well say something. The Staff has been perfectly clear that any mod who feels overworked come forward and request assistance, this includes evilfusion and Zextra.




This isn't so much about "what the mods think" as much as it is "what the board needs". And besides, no mod in all of YCM's history would ever claim to feel overworked...
1) Because of the way YCM politics and YCM mod votes work, having a set number of mods you already now is advantageous over having a certain number you don't know. If I know LZ is going to agree with me, and evilfusion is going to disagree, having Lady Tenko as the smooth and mysterious wildcard would be problematic. In simplest terms, having 1/10th of all the power on all the board is better than having 1/11th.

2) Most mods don't wanna be seen as "weak" or "unimportant" or "falling behind". It's a bit of a pride thing. Sure sure, it's supposed to be about "serious business" and planning and making sure the trains run on time, but you just feel less important when you're less in charge. There's not really an incentive to say you're overworked, because you begin losing clout and influence.

3) No mod honestly thinks they're ever doing a bad job. Even the worst mods here probably thought they were doing the right thing, otherwise they wouldn't have froggin' done it. Maybe now [certain unnamed mods] can freely admit there was a problem but I still remember fighting people to the bitter fucking end about the most obvious of rules, like not frogging advertising other websites on the status bar.
So... no. "Mr YCM Mod thinks it's fine" will never be a valid excuse for this because the mods will never think there's a problem.
PLEASE NOTE: I don't visit either section, nor do I even really visit YCM that often. I don't know whether or not these sections really need a new mod. I just don't like hearing a complaint being dismissed so easily. That's how you make people get in the habit of not-reporting things, not making suggestions, etc etc.

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 3) No mod honestly thinks they're ever doing a bad job. Even the worst mods here probably thought they were doing the right thing, otherwise they wouldn't have froggin' done it. Maybe now [certain unnamed mods] can freely admit there was a problem but I still remember fighting people to the bitter fucking end about the most obvious of rules, like not frogging advertising other websites on the status bar.


Sure, there was a problem but all problems can be solved if they are neatly cornered, castrated and put in a box.

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This isn't so much about "what the mods think" as much as it is "what the board needs". And besides, no mod in all of YCM's history would ever claim to feel overworked...
1) Because of the way YCM politics and YCM mod votes work, having a set number of mods you already now is advantageous over having a certain number you don't know. If I know LZ is going to agree with me, and evilfusion is going to disagree, having Lady Tenko as the smooth and mysterious wildcard would be problematic. In simplest terms, having 1/10th of all the power on all the board is better than having 1/11th.

2) Most mods don't wanna be seen as "weak" or "unimportant" or "falling behind". It's a bit of a pride thing. Sure sure, it's supposed to be about "serious business" and planning and making sure the trains run on time, but you just feel less important when you're less in charge. There's not really an incentive to say you're overworked, because you begin losing clout and influence.

3) No mod honestly thinks they're ever doing a bad job. Even the worst mods here probably thought they were doing the right thing, otherwise they wouldn't have froggin' done it. Maybe now [certain unnamed mods] can freely admit there was a problem but I still remember fighting people to the bitter fucking end about the most obvious of rules, like not frogging advertising other websites on the status bar.
So... no. "Mr YCM Mod thinks it's fine" will never be a valid excuse for this because the mods will never think there's a problem.
PLEASE NOTE: I don't visit either section, nor do I even really visit YCM that often. I don't know whether or not these sections really need a new mod. I just don't like hearing a complaint being dismissed so easily. That's how you make people get in the habit of not-reporting things, not making suggestions, etc etc.


Valid points.


To be honest, I don't feel overworked in the slightest. In regards to the mentioned sections, PMs and reports should suffice for cleaning up any issues that present themselves, unless I'm underestimating the activity and severity of the issues that go on there.


But honestly, I never go into those sections. They relate to "Other TCG", which by its nature, involves card games that I'm significantly less familiar with, if aware of them at all. Not only does that make it harder for me to distinguish quality discussion/Decks/etc, but I simply don't care to spend my time and effort going through topics with content that won't appeal to my interests, as opposed to the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG section, which definitely does.


If any moderators currently onboard want to take those sections, I invite them to do so. For the time being, I would be fine relying on PMs and reports to clean up those areas. If those sections are accumulating too many issues and none of the current staff wants them, then we could look into finding someone new to take the sections.

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This isn't so much about "what the mods think" as much as it is "what the board needs". And besides, no mod in all of YCM's history would ever claim to feel overworked...

*Raises hand*


I claimed to be overworked more than a few times, and Koko admitted I was overworked before. In fact, I'd say Zextra would be overworked if he was tryign to manage the advanced clause in any way, but I haven't paid the section much mind lately.


Just making a point that a mod who is blatantly overworked can say it, they just won't neccesarily say it in the public forum.


I do think there should be a specific mod for the Other TCG sections, though. I feel like a mod that has at least a remote idea of what goes on in the section and what's being discussed is generally seen in a better light, is generally quicker to improve that section and manage it, etc.


It's not absolutely needed, but if you can find someone with a good grasp of other card games in general that's not a loose cannon or a wannabe politician, no reason not to.

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So if I'm reading it all correctly, YCM-ers shouldn't just be asking for a new mod. They should show a reason why a new mod is needed. Is that correct?




I'm saying that I have no idea what those sections need because I never go in there and have never really seen any reports regarding it. I'm operating under the assumption, that because there hasn't been many reports or prominent issues there (to my knowledge), that reports and PMs should suffice for taking care of things that crop up.


But if I'm underestimating the section's activity and frequency of problems, that someone should be assigned to it, and if none of the current staff want the section, we may have to look into adding someone to the team that is interested. I already said that I personally have no interest in moderating that area, for reasons I outlined.

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This isn't so much about "what the mods think" as much as it is "what the board needs". And besides, no mod in all of YCM's history would ever claim to feel overworked...
1) Because of the way YCM politics and YCM mod votes work, having a set number of mods you already now is advantageous over having a certain number you don't know. If I know LZ is going to agree with me, and evilfusion is going to disagree, having Lady Tenko as the smooth and mysterious wildcard would be problematic. In simplest terms, having 1/10th of all the power on all the board is better than having 1/11th.



Which staff were you a part of? 


This is exactly what we do want. I've personally gone above and beyond to make the conception of staff revision a very plausible and quite essential thing to be considered. In order to stay contemporary we desperately need new moderators, and yes, if need be, the removal of the moderators who "agree" with me. Why? Because unlike you, I realize that what I have to say is sometimes wrong and I'm completely fine with that. So that "wildcard" that you fear, I actually confide in. 


That mentality died a long time ago, and I know for a fact that my current staff members have no regard at all to something as trivial as "power" on a fucking internet forum. 


The fact of the matter is, I've not the slightest clue if I'll still be a staff member come tomorrow, but there will indefinitely be someone after me. My obligation is to do what I can until the day I decide to leave and be satisfied with what I've done for the site and not the "power" I've accumulated. 

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On that note, that's only one person's view of the YCM mod politics. Pika was the most proactive, for better or worse, and I don't think a "wildcard" was ever the issue. Most of the time, there were 4 or 5 particular vocal mods discussing and the rest were neutral. We didn't really ever outright VOTE on things, it was more that our discussions made it clear what the pros and cons of any particular situation was, and whether it was a good idea to act based on that.


Besides, our "power" isn't about the influence we have over the other mods unless we're discussing stripping someone of their mod status. I'm a Super now but I think I'm more powerful than Mugen, for example. (Ha, mere "non-super" mod) Well...in a literal sense I am, but that doesn't mean him/her being overworked makes any points that person has less valid.


Moderating 10 areas of the site doesn't make one more powerful. Last I checked, mods have the ability to moderate all the sections on the site. Where they're assigned is just their responsibility.

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